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Showing posts from August, 2010

The American War of Independence vs. The French Revolution

It is no great secret that I am obsessed with the French Revolution. It may not be as well known, however, that I consider it to be the most revolutionary event in the history of democracy. Yes, that is right...THE most. Even more so than the American War of Independence. Upon sharing this notion, many people are highly incensed and usually quip something to the effect of, "Well, if it wasn't for America, France would still be under German control!" (To which I typically respond, "Yes, but if it wasn't for France, America would still be under British control...")  Then, it is mere seconds until the French jokes commence. You know, ones like: What color is the French battle flag? White. And, how can you tell the French Army? They're the ones with the sunburned armpits. Really. I never really have the opportunity to offer any rationale to my seemingly unpatriotic and ludicrous statement. So, please indulge me a moment and let me explain... ...