Ever wonder what makes French anti-Semitism different from that of anti-Semitism in other countries? Me, too! That is why I just finished writing a 23-page research paper on the uniqueness of French anti-Semitism for one of my graduate courses! Now, lucky for you, I thought I would share you and the with the world one of the more clever aspects of my paper. As I was writing I began to think about all of the elements that combined to make France's sort of anti-Semitism its very own and reminded me of a recipe. So, here is the recipe I submitted in my introduction - hopefully my professor has a sense of humor...
Disclaimer: Please note that I am NOT supporting anti-Semitism of any sort! Nor am I saying all French people are xenophobic anti-Semites. Just wanted to make that clear...
Recipe for: Modern French Anti-Semitism Serves: all of France
1 part traditional anti-Semitism (a medieval recipe of equal parts blood libel and host desecration mythology combined with intermittent expulsions and chronic stories of the perfidious, unscrupulous nature of dirty Jews…if you can’t find the ingredients, just make up negative stuff – the more ludicrous, the better)
1.25 parts classism (working class Jews are especially appalling. Only target rich Jews when they are no longer useful to you or when you have used up the poorer ones)
1.5 parts nationalism (for better or for worse, the French are superior, so if the Jews want any shot at rights, they must assimilate. More French, less Jew!)
2 parts xenophobia (watch out for any foreigner, but particularly foreign Jews – especially those from Eastern Europe. They will deflate your proverbial soufflé faster than slamming the front door!)
Directions: Mix, shake, and stir all parts together. Results may vary from verbal and written protests to street riots and massacres, especially when endorsed by the State and/or the Roman Catholic Church.
Keep writing!